Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ok! I just had to share that I just wrote and submitted my first article EVER that someone said they would pay me to write! Granted, it's an online forum and I don't exactly know where it's going - not like a magazine that I chose and queried, but here I go, here I go, here. I. go. :)

It may be silly, but I took a deep breath before I pressed that "submit" button. I had no idea that although I really believe in myself, I am so afraid to put my stuff out there when it's for pay. What is that about? Another way my writing can be judged that is scary? Hm.

Oh, and there were several topics I was allowed to choose from, ranging from software to garage door openers. What did I pick? you got it. Wide leg khakis. :) Writers should write about what they know. Ha ha!

Since I'm here, I'll go ahead and say that I am almost positive that I will keep a pretty darned good paying job for a while. Probably full time. I've gotten a lot of good feedback from people who believe in me and my writing AND don't want me to starve or have to stop buying wide leg khakis.


  1. You'll look back at this time and be so glad you went for it! Kudos to ya!

  2. Be sure to post a link when it's up so we can all read it!
